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Skiing and acrobatics: many of you will have asked yourselves some questions about what the similarities might be.
Acrobatics and Artistic Gymnastics are very similar, but SKIING and Artistic Gymnastics are really very different. You practice the first in the cold and in the snow, the second peacefully in the gym, in an indoor space. The reason is almost obvious: in Artistic Gymnastics you always work in the same conditions, with the same equipment, visibility and spaces; in skiing it is the opposite and a variable intervenes every fraction of a second. In Acrobatics everything changes and we can find various meeting points that link Skiing to it, especially if we follow a specific program in which we work on surfaces with different densities, with equally different speeds, balances in flight, blindfolded and different inclinations.
The reasons that could therefore push a Ski Club to organize Acrobatic Gymnastics Workouts are a purely technical one and a more aggregative one: the varied availability of different elastic surfaces of different densities, both bounced and attenuated, provide the skier athlete with the possibility of training the ability to react to the diversity of muscle contraction required by the various surfaces, thus improving the ability to differentiate, control and modulate strength in our little athletes, a fundamental ability in the skier.
It is a very important job also in terms of proprioception, balance during flight and control of one's body in any athletic circumstance.
Sooner or later, many skiers encounter Acrobatics during their career in various Gymnastics gyms throughout Italy.

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